Flashback to 1943: the United States of America was in the middle of World War II. Troops were fighting hard overseas while everyone back home was trying to find ways to help on the home front. Women were replacing men in jobs, community groups, and sports. Americans were purchasing war bonds and growing their own produce in Victory Gardens, and families were rationing to show their patriotism. People had to get more creative with their meals, and Mock Chicken Legs became popular again to make meat go further.
Legg’s Milk Fed Mock Chicken Leg Seasoning called for veal, pork trimmings, and seasoning to make a product that was affordable, longer lasting, and that had the ability to be served hot or cold. The meat would be molded in the shape of a chicken leg with a wooden skewer inserted at the end for handling. The “legs” could then be dipped in an egg batter, rolled in a cracker mixture, and deep-fried for a scrumptious, crispy bite. Mock Chicken Leg forms were sold by A.C. Legg, Inc., at $2.50 each to help make a wonderful summer item perfect for picnics or busy dinners.
Sadly, our company no longer possesses any of these mock chicken leg molds, but thanks to our archives, we do have pictures and advertisements giving us a glimpse into the past. Mock Chicken Legs are still made today, and you can find various recipes online if you are interested in trying something different for dinner tonight! A.C. Legg, Inc., has seen many changes and fads in the food industry over our #Journeyto100, but this product might top the list!