
What Will Outlast You?

We are now closing in on another holiday season! Many of us are already putting together menus, lining up guest lists, and scheduling our holiday photos. And maybe some of us are debating our 2023 New Year’s resolution, or attempting to remember what our 2022 resolution even was. Whether or not you remember your resolution from last year, allow us to offer you inspiration for your future resolution. 

Resolve to be involved in something that will outlast you. In other words, strive to contribute and be involved in something that will be a part of your legacy for future generations. It is not necessary to have a building or highway named after you. You don’t have to make the front page of your local paper. There are simple things that you can do to make a real difference! 

Community or church involvement are certainly easy paths to get you started. Teaching or coaching our youth can also have a tremendous impact. How many kids live day to day without a true leader to look to for advice and guidance? Serving at soup kitchens or homeless shelters always makes a positive difference, especially around this time of year when spreading joy and love is so crucial.  

Endless needs exist and can usually be found very easily. As those of you that have been involved in any of these activities know – you will often be more changed and touched than those you are serving.  

So, we challenge you this holiday season. Find something that will outlast you, something that will make even a small impact on the world. Touch one life or a whole community – nothing is too great or too small. We hope that you and your families enjoy this holiday season and reflect upon how you can make a difference today and forever.