
We work with you to ensure your needs are met from product inception all the way through delivery and beyond. With over 70 unique blends in our Signature line and the ability to customize a product to your specifications, A.C. Legg has something for everyone.

Legg’s Signature

While you won’t find all of our products listed on our website, we have added more than 100 different blends to our catalog since 1923. Some blends appeal to niche markets or don’t get as much publicity in other regions, so we offer these items as custom products. This allows us to focus Legg’s Signature line on widely known and more popular flavors.

Legg’s Signature

Custom Blends

Collaborating with our customers to help them succeed by providing the best service available whether via our stellar customer relations or our robust technical support is a cornerstone of the A.C. Legg Process. A.C. Legg’s Technical Services and R&D departments specialize in identifying, creating, and promoting new flavor profiles to bring to your table each year, while honoring the traditional seasoning blends upon which our company was built.

Custom Blends