
Journey to 100

Mr. J.V. Cowart

How many presidents do you think a company would have in its #Journeyto100? According to a study in 2017 the average president of a company serves 8 years. That averages out to around 12 presidents serving over 100 years of a company’s lifespan. A.C. Legg doesn’t believe in being average though, we believe in being…
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The Original Sales Contest

How many of you have helped a son or daughter, niece or nephew, or grandchild sale something for school? Most all of us groan when we see those flyers come home because we know the prize of a plushie, or slap bracelet is going to mean everything to the little one we love. So, we…
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Marketing Materials through the Years

Have you ever picked up a pen at your local Credit Union or a key chain at your insurance agent’s office? These are marketing material and giveaways that companies use to get their name out in the world. Generally, companies utilize items that are specific or utilized within their industry. The key chain at your…
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Mr. A.C. Legg

On our journey to 100 please allow us to introduce you to a few of the visionaries that made this milestone possible and give you a little history lesson in the process. A.C. Legg Packing Company was incorporated in Birmingham, Alabama in 1923 by Mr. A.C. Legg, Mr. Leon Cole, and Mr. J.V. Cowart. Mr….
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