
Journey to 100

The Traveling Salesman

Imagine being miles away from home, in an unfamiliar place, with your livelihood depending on selling a product. In the 1920s, this was the life of traveling salesmen, who sold everything from encyclopedias to seasoning by carrying miniature versions or samples to share with potential clients. At A.C. Legg, Inc., we provided our salesmen with…
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Food Over Fear

Do you ever worry that something bad will happen on Friday the 13th? Legend has it that this day symbolizes bad luck, both from Biblical text and pop culture perspectives. Over the centuries, several traumatic events have occurred on Friday the 13th—from King Philip IV of France’s arresting the Knights Templar in the 12th century…
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The Magic of a Meal

When we think of our fondest memories, we often tie them to sharing a meal together. For some of us, it’s remembering our grandmothers showing us the “secret ingredient” in the biscuit dough, or our parents turning the kitchen into a small-scale pizzeria where we could design pizzas with whatever endless toppings we wanted. For…
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The Power of a Teacher

On National Teacher Day, take a moment to reflect on the teacher(s) who made a positive difference in your life. Did he or she teach you something in elementary school that you still remember today? Maybe this teacher shared something that changed your path in high school or college, or perhaps he or she was…
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A Look Back on Letter Writing

Long before Twitter, Instagram, or even the internet existed, A.C. Legg, Inc., offered our OPS Pork Sausage Seasoning lovers a shot at going “viral” in a simple writing contest! In September 1935, the company sought to reward our most creative customers with cash prizes for their 100-word letters, painstakingly handwritten or punched out on a…
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Legg’s Custom Blended Seasoning Expansion

If you have been following our #Journeyto100, you might remember that, in 1923, A.C. Legg, Inc., started with a single sausage seasoning. As times have progressed and people’s tastes and habits have changed, we have expanded our line of seasonings to cater to the needs of contemporary customers. Now, you can find flavors like Italian,…
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Mr. Paul Blanchard

Some stories are intertwined, and the legacy left by our company’s presidents over the years is proof that A.C. Legg’s #Journeyto100 has been formed on foundations of mutual respect, mentoring, and hard work. Today, we would like to give you a glimpse into the past by introducing our 3rd president, Mr. Paul Blanchard, who served…
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Low-fat pork and beef seasoning?

Were you sweatin’ to the Oldies, utilizing your Thighmaster, or maybe hoping for a “Body by Jake” back in the 80s and 90s? Isn’t it funny to think back on our days spent in leotards and headbands, watching our VHS tapes on our console TV, while we danced around our living rooms? It seems like…
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The Sausage Tree

How often did your parents tell you “Money doesn’t grow on trees?” Well money may not but apparently sausage does, or at least a fruit that resembles it. In 1934 Mr. J.E. Phillips wrote one of our founders, Mr. Cowart, about a sausage tree in Miami, Florida. He even went as far as to include…
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Built Upon a Flavor

Have you ever wondered why we say we are “Built Upon a Flavor”? Why we are so proud of that one statement that we display it everywhere we can now? It’s because since 1923 it’s the “Sausage Seasoning You’ve Been Looking For!” When A.C. Legg Packing Company was organized in May of 1923 our owners…
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